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 Amrit bi-montly magazine

Az Indiai Nagykövetség Amrit címmel új, kéthavonta megjelent? magazint indított. A kiadvány 3 nyelven (angolul, magyarul és hindíül) közöl írásokat az indiai-magyar kapcsolatokról, kultúráról, politikáról, gazdasági életr?l. A magazin címét egyrészt Amrita Sher-Gil magyar származású fest?n? ihlette, akinek idén ünnepeljük születésének századik évfordulóját. Másrészt az amrit jelentése nektár, esszencia, amivel arra kívánunk utalni, hogy az indiai kultúra legjavát szeretnénk bemutatni. Az els?, szeptemberi-októberi kiadás apropója Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök indiai látogatása. A kiadvány letölthet? honlapunkról.

Embassy of India is pleased to announce that it has started publishing a new bi-monthly magazine titled ‘Amrit’ (meaning nectar). The launch ceremony of September-October issue of ‘Amrit’ was organized by Indian Cultural Centre on 9thOctober, 2013. H.E. Dr. Maria Mária Négyesi, Head of the Department of Indo-European Studies, at ELTE University and President of Indo-Hungarian Friendship Society was the Chief Guest. H.E. Ambassador of India, Mr. Malay Mishra and Dr Mária Négyesi unveiled the new magazine. In his welcome address, Ambassador Mishra said that the magazine will showcase the multi-faceted friendly relations between India & Hungary and is being launched on the eve of H.E. Mr. Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary’s visit to India. Dr. Maria extended her best wishes for the new magazine and said that it will disseminate information on various aspects of Indian life to vivid readers. Mr. Umesh Kumar, Director, Indian Cultural Centre, moderated the launch ceremony and thanked everybody especially those who had contributed articles for the inaugural issue of ‘Amrit’. ‘Amrit’ Magazine can be downloaded from Embassy’s website.

Vol.6. Issue 2. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.6. Issue 1. can be downloaded from here.

Vol.5. Issue 3. can be downloaded from here.

Vol.5. Issue 2. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.5. Issue 1. can be downloaded from here.

Vol.4. Issue 6. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.4. Issue 5. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.4. Issue 4. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.4. Issue 3. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.4. Issue 2. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.4. Issue 1. can be downloaded from here.

Vol.3. Issue 6. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.3. Issue 5. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.3. Issue 4. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.3. Issue 3. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.3. Issue 2. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.3. Issue 1. can be downloaded from here.

Vol.2. Issue 6. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.2. Issue 5. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.2. Issue 4. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.2. Issue 3. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.2. Issue 2. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.2. Issue 1. can be downloaded from here.

Vol.1. Issue 6. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.1. Issue 5. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.1. Issue 4. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.1. Issue 3. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.1. Issue 2. can be downloaded from here.
Vol.1. Issue 1. can be downloaded from here.